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আনন্দ মার্গ স্কুল প্রশাসকদের নীচের বোতামে ক্লিক করে এবং লগিং করে আপনার স্কুলের অনুরোধের তালিকা জমা দেওয়ার জন্য অনুরোধ করা হচ্ছে 
Welcome to Ananda Marga School
Welcome to Ananda Marga School
“A Teacher must have such qualities as strength of character, righteousness, spirit of social service, unselfishness, an inspiring personality and leadership ability. Teachers are the 'Samaj gurus' or preceptors of the society and for this reason it is not possible to accept just anyone as teacher."

Founder of Ananda Marga School
Ananda Marga education, the Neo-humanist education including a particular model of schools, was founded by Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (21 May 1921- 21 October 1990), also known as Ánandamúrti or Bábá (“Father”) to his disciples. A’nandamu’rti was a spiritual Guru, philosopher and composer. He founded Ananda Marga, the Path of Bliss, in 1955 as a spiritual and social organization. Self-realization and service to humanity are the twin objectives of A’nanda Ma’rga . It continues to offer instruction in meditation and yoga and to perform a variety of service works, including in the area of education.
"the noblest form of social service is to educate the people and bring a sense of consciousness in them"
.. Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
According to Founder Shrii P. R. Sarkar’s view in mind Education Relief and Welfare Section (ERAWS), since 1963 is dedicated to running various types of educational institutions all over the world guided by the Principles and Philosophy of Neo-humanism. “Sa’ Vidya’ Ya ‘Vimuktaye” – Education is for liberation in all aspects of life– is the guiding motto of our educational philosophy. Stress is given on moral and spiritual values and Neo-humanistic practices in elementary education during the formative age of a child which is very crucial for giving a better foundation for later life.